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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Is Today Rick Santorum 'Little Bighorn'. It's Do or Get Out.

His aides say otherwise, but this essentially is decision week for Rick Santorum.

His hope of staying at all relevant in the GOP presidential race rests on winning one or more of Tuesday's primaries, and on somehow causing a sensation at this weekend's meeting of conservatives in Washington. If he can't manage to do either of those things, it's hard to see how he continues -- even though, his aides insist, he is running a lean campaign with a low "burn rate" and a decent amount of cash on hand.

So far, the high point of the former senator's campaign has been Iowa, where he spent two years scratching and crawling his way to what turned out to be a 34-vote, recounted victory.

But the dogged (if not delusional) Pennsylvania Republican shows no signs of quitting -- and he is poised to make a brief semi-return to the limelight tonight with credible showings in three states: Minnesota and Colorado (which are holding caucuses) and Missouri, which is holding a non-binding "beauty pageant" primary.

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