That marked distinction seems lost on some Virginia state legislators. The House of Delegatespassed a bill this month — the “Tebow bill,” named for the home-schooled Denver Broncos QB — that would enable home-schooled students to play sports at the same public high schools their parents won’t let them attend. As early as this coming week, a Senate committee may consider the legislation, which has the backing of Gov. Robert F. McDonnell. If the bill becomes law, home-schooled students around the state could take roster spots and playing time from countless Johnnys — children whose lives are defined by their school and school activities.
Imagine the sting Johnny will feel when he is cut from the basketball team and a boy who is home-schooled makes the squad. The new kid — quite likely a nice, intelligent, hard-working boy who himself is in an awkward position — might not be able to name a teacher. He might not be able to find the cafeteria. But what he can find is Johnny’s spot in the lineup, no matter that his lone affiliation with the school takes place after classes are over.
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