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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Teachers Fight Each Other, Instead Of Better Education For Your Children.

Forget writing and arithmetic. Two teachers at Knight Road Elementary school in Memphis have taught students a terrible lesson.
"They came home telling me about it and I said oh my god," said Linda Nelson, grandmother to one of the students.
It was terrible lesson in conflict resolution when police say the two teachers started physically fighting in the school hallway. Students were shocked.
 "I was like why would two teachers fight in the hallway to let the students see it," Shaquita Boyland, a 44th grade student said.
According to a Memphis police report, both women admit to hitting the other one though neither will admit to attacking first. It apparently started with an argument about one teacher scolding the other's students. It ended with blows in front of Linda Nelson's grandson.
"He actually saw it," she said. "One of them on top of the other one."
MCS said that they are aware of the fight, that both teachers had to report to labor relations, and that no action will be taken until they hear about those meetings.
One dad says the kids won't soon forget what they saw, making a parent's job even tougher.
"They see a lot of fights out here on the street between themselves, so to see two teachers fight, yea that's real bad," Carl Patrick, a father of two said.
"Somebody has got to be the bigger person," Linda Nelson said. She also said her granddaughter had one of the teachers involved as her third grade teacher.
She is trying to clean up the mess left behind when two people paid to teach allegedly taught the wrong lesson.
At the time of the fight, both teachers were escorted off the campus by police. There is no word if they are back on the job.

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