Tonight, I hosted the premiere for the film “Father’s Day?” in New York City. The film is an incredible project created by Squeaky Moore and Ashley Shante. The movie explores the impact of fatherless homes in the black community and how it affects our thinking as adults. The house was packed and the film was extraordinary, I was honored to be involved.
The film made me think back on my own life, and my first meeting with the sperm donor who created me. His name is Boyce just like my own, and from all indicators I’ve received, I was lucky he wasn’t around. I met the two children he raised and both of them seemed to feel that their interactions with him led to serious psychological damage. In other words, I have almost no respect for my biological father, and there isn’t much he can do to change that.
The film also led me to reflect on the good side of fatherhood. When my sperm donor left the scene of his “sexual crime,” another man stepped in and raised me from the age of three. Throughout my life, I’ve rarely given him
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