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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sanford Police Department Only Protect And Serve Whites .

The attorney for the parents of Trayvon Martin said the Sanford Police Department is blaming the victim in the case by leaking information beneficial to George Zimmerman and by "correcting" the testimony of witnesses whose stories diverged from the shooter's claims of self-defense.

A police report was released Monday stating that, according to Zimmerman, Martin had attacked and punched the neighborhood watch volunteer on February 26. The Associated Press also reported that Martin had been suspended from school after an empty plastic baggie containing traces of marijuana was found in his book bag. The AP also said Martin had no juvenile offender record.

Sanford city manager Norton Bonaparte said the information about Martin's school suspension should not have been released, and wants whoever leaked it fired.

Appearing on "CBS This Morning," Martin family lawyer Ben Crump said that the police are "trying to attack his reputation, blame the victim, and that has been the pattern of the Sanford Police Department.

"There is no relevance any of this has on what happened on February 26," Crump told Charlie Rose. "The only thing that matters on February 26 is George Zimmerman disobeyed the police and got out of his car and pursued and stalked Trayvon Martin to cause this fatal encounter.

"Charlie, all you need to do is listen to the tape," Crump continued. "Zimmerman did not know Trayvon Martin before this tape. He said why he was suspicious and he says why he ran after Trayvon Martin. And if the police want to leak information, why don't they leak the witnesses who say they saw him pursuing Trayvon?

"But they have only [done] things that are beneficial to Mr. Zimmerman's claim of self-defense, and the only reason we can think [why is] that, from day one, they made a decision they were not going to arrest George Zimmerman. And each day goes by, the whole world is saying, 'You at least got to arrest this guy.'"

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