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Monday, August 13, 2012

No Good Ass Man, Is This The Future Of The Black Male.

Some crimes are just so gruesome that you have to wonder what the world is coming to. Logan Andrew West is accused of raping a 15 month old baby and causing her some very serious internal injuries, according to authorities.

On Monday, the Ohio teen was charged with the rape of a minor under the age of ten. West is allegedly the 15 month old baby’s mother’s boyfriend.
He is reported to have committed the rape at his girlfriend and her baby’s home in Ravenna Township, Ohio.
Emergency respondents were called to the home last week Saturday responding to sever injuries to a minor. When the emergency respondents arrived at the scene, there were a few people with the baby, including the suspect.


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Mississippi Is Use School To Supply Prison With Slaves

Officials in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, have operated "a school-to-prison pipeline" that violates the constitutional rights of juveniles by incarcerating them for alleged school disciplinary infractions, some as minor as defiance, the U.S. Department of Justice said Friday.
"Students most affected by this system are African-American children and children with disabilities," the Justice Department said.
The federal agency's civil rights division seeks "meaningful negotiations" in 60 days to end the constitutional violations or else a federal lawsuit would be filed against state, county and local officials in Meridian, according to a Justice Department letter dated Friday to those officials.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meet The Woman With The Biggest Breasts.

Meet Arlington, Virginia's Annie, who has size 102ZZZ breasts.
Annie's breasts weigh nearly 85 pounds. She has suffered from gigantomastia, which is slow progresssive growth of breast tissue and fat tissue, for nearly her entire life -- she started wearing a bra in third grade.
Despite the stares and shoulder and back discomfort, Annie says she's never considered breast reduction. "I've never thought about bringing a knife to myself," she says in the video below. "Why fix something that's not broken?"
Annie has used her breasts to make money, doing about 250 softcore pornographic films under the name Norma Stitz. She says her porn alter ego is world renowned. "I do have security because people chase me," Annie says.

Blacks Are Tired Of Hearing GOP Double Talk.

Mitt Romney was booed Wednesday at the NAACP conference for promising to repeal the president's signature health care reform law, bringing him to an awkward halt in the middle of an otherwise civilly-received pitch for black voters.
It was an awkward moment that forced him to go off script, after giving a somewhat pained smile as the booing continued.
"I'm going to eliminate every non-essential, expensive program I can find, that includes Obamacare, and I'm going to work to reform and save --" Romney said before being interrupted for about 15 seconds.
"You know, there was a survey of the Chamber of Commerce -- they carried out asurvey of their members, about 1,500 surveyed, and uh, they asked them what effect Obamacare would have on their plans, and three-quarters of them said it made them less likely to hire people," he said when the booing stopped. "So I say, again, that if our priority is jobs, and that's my priority, that's something I'd change and replace."

Sex Is The New Weight Loss Drug

Pauline Potter became the world's heaviest living woman last year, weighing in at a whopping 643 pounds. Now, Potter has her sights set on losing weight, and she's turned to marathon sex sessions to help shed the pounds.
In an interview with the UK's Closermagazine, Potter described how her reignited sex life with ex-husband Alex has helped her lose 98 pounds.
“I can’t move much in bed, but I burn 500 calories a session –- it’s great exercise just jiggling around," Potter told Closer. Potter, who had been consuming 10,000 calories a day, hopes to reach her goal weight of 532 pounds with the help of Alex. The two have sex up to seven times each day.
She makes sure to have some fun, too.
“We love foreplay and massages and, as well as full sex, I pleasure Alex, too," she told the magazine. "My bed is strengthened and, although I can’t buy sexy lingerie, I drape a nice sheet over me.”
After meeting online in 2002, the couple married in 2005 and, when Potter failed to bond with Alex's son, the two split up three years later. The break-up triggered Potter'sweight gain. She began consuming copious amounts of high-calorie foods and packed on the pounds.
With all the extra weight on her, Potter became depressed. She contacted the Guinness Book of World Records in hopes that winning the title of "World's Heaviest Woman" would shame her into losing weight.

Republicans Are Punishing African American For Putting A Black Man In The White House

The truth be told, the Republicans Party is doing everything it can to make President Obama look bad. The high unemployment in the black community is due to the high vote President Obama received. Anything that was meant to help the poor and middle class, has been blocked by the GOP. This is white america way of showing that an old way of thinking is true, " blacks are inferior."

Health Care Law Repeal

While Republicans lambast the cost of implementing health care reform, a new report shows that their efforts to repeal the law have come at a major cost to taxpayers -- to the tune of nearly $50 million.
The House of Representatives again voted to repeal President Obama's signature health care law on Wednesday, marking the 33rd time Republicans have attempted to take down the legislation. The 32 previous repeal efforts faltered at the hands of the Democrat-controlled Senate; the latest attempt is unlikely to break that pattern.
According to a report by CBS News, these efforts, widely viewed as symbolic political maneuvers, come with a high price tag.
CBS' Nancy Cordes reported Wednesday that Republicans' many fruitless attempts at repealing the Affordable Care Act have taken up at least 80 hours of time on the House floor since 2010, amounting to two full work weeks. As the House, according to the Congressional Research Service, costs taxpayers $24 million a week to operate, those two weeks amounted to a total cost of approximately $48 million.


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Monday, July 9, 2012

An App That Lets You Report Bad Police.

Smartphones allow people to check email, Facebook and Twitter accounts, and now keep an eye on the police -- at least in New Jersey.
The New Jersey chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU-NJ) has just released “Police Tape,” an Android phone app that allows people to securely and discreetly record and store their interactions with police, as well as provide legal information about citizens’ rights when interacting with law officers.
"This app provides an essential tool for police accountability,” ACLU-NJ Executive Director Deborah Jacobs said in a statement to “Too often incidents of serious misconduct go unreported because citizens don’t feel that they will be believed. Here, the technology empowers citizens to place a check on police power directly.”
Almost all cell phones come with video cameras, but Police Tape has a "stealth mode" that makes the app disappear from the screen once the recording starts, to minimize the chances the police might squelch the recording.

Whites American Will Give All Their Money To Kick Other Black Family Out.

Those with money are doing everything in their power to keep President Obama from a second term. Will to spend their money to keep a "Nigga' out the White House. But want use their money to create jobs. Its not President Obama that has us under employed, but the racism in america that has us like this. It's not that they want Romey, but they just don't want a Black President. So they are doing everything in their power and money to make President Obama look bad.

The campaign to reelect President Barack Obama announced on Monday that it had raised $35 million less than the Mitt Romney campaign in June and has cited that gap in an email to supporters as a vehicle to request more donations. The campaign said it had raised $71 million in June -- its best monthly total to date -- to Romney's $106 million.
The figure includes money raised by the Democratic Party. The campaign said that more 706,000 people donated.
Here's the text of the full email, titled "Good News and Bad News."


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The New AmeriKKKa Racism, Voter ID Laws.

New Voter ID laws are the New Jim Crow. White GOP are passing bills in order to keep blacks from putting President Obama back in the White House. It's not a class war, but a new "Race war". When will we stand up and call it what it is, Amerikkka Racism.

When Edward and Mary Weidenbener went to vote in Indiana's primary in May, they didn't realize that state law required them to bring government photo IDs such as a driver's license or passport.
The husband and wife, both approaching 90 years old, had to use a temporary ballot that would be verified later, even though they knew the people working the polling site that day. Unaware that Indiana law obligated them to follow up with the county election board, the Weidenbeners ultimately had their votes rejected – news to them until informed recently by an Associated Press reporter.
Edward Weidenbener, a World War II veteran who had voted for Mitt Romney in the Republican presidential contest, said he was surprised by the rules and the consequences.
"A lot of people don't have a photo ID. They'll be automatically disenfranchised," he said.
As more states put in place strict voter ID rules, an AP review of temporary ballots from Indiana and Georgia, which first adopted the most stringent standards, found that more than 1,200 such votes were tossed during the 2008 general election.


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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Man Eats Dog While High On K-2.

A man high on synthetic marijuana killed and ate a 30- to 40-pound dog, according to police.
Michael Daniel of Waco, Texas, was charged on Monday for an incident earlier this month in which he allegedly got down “on his hands and knees and chased a neighbor while barking and growling like a dog,” according to KWTZ.
Daniel then took a black dog onto a house's front porch, beat and strangled the canine and then “began to bite into the dog, ripping pieces of flesh away,” Waco Police Sgt. Patrick Swanton told KWTZ.
Daniel allegedly told neighbors he was high on synthetic marijuana, sometimes called K-2.
When officers arrived, Daniel had "blood and fur around his mouth," Swanton told KXXV.
Daniel is charged with cruelty to a non-livestock animal.

Man Admits Sitting Up Tupac To Be Killed.

A 1994 attack on Tupac Shakur at a New York City recording studio left the rapper fighting for his life and sparked a new level of violence in the East v. West Coast rap war which eventually claimed the lives of both Shakur and Christopher "Notorious B.I.G." Wallace. Though rumors had circled the incident for years, no one was found guilty of the crime.
But now, new evidence reported in theVillage Voice is putting the spotlight on James "Jimmy Henchman" Rosemond, a (former) music mogul and drug lord who was recently indicted on a separate murder-for-hire charge. According the Voice's Chuck Philips, Rosemond admitted to orchestrating the Tupac shooting in proffer sessions during a massive drug case last autumn. (At proffer sessions, suspects are afforded the opportunity to confess crimes with the understanding that they won't be charged with those crimes.)
Philips writes that Rosemond's admission came during his attempt to cop a deal that would lead to less jail time.
Tupac himself placed the blame on Rosemond in "Against All Odds," a song he recorded after the incident: "Jimmy Henchman ... / [You] set me up, wet me up ... stuck me up / But you never shut me up."
Interestingly, no one will ever be charged for the 1994 shooting. The crime was classified as a robbery, and the statute of limitations on prosecuting it has passed.
Rap fans (and conspiracy fans) would do well to give Philip's piece a read, as he has been looking into Tupac's murder for quite some time now. Someone should also tell Suge Knight about the developments, so he can tell Pac.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sheriff Show Off New Unform

A Georgia sheriff seeking re-election this year responded to an embarrassing moment from his past after old photos of him dressed in a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood surfaced.
Cherokee County Sheriff Roger Garrison, who denied affiliation with the KKK, told ABC Atlanta that the photos, which were taken at a Halloween party more than 25 years ago, were a costume meant to depict a scene from the Mel Brooks satire "Blazing Saddles."
"I don't deny it wasn't stupid, looking back now," Garrison said. "But there again I say what 21- or 22-year-old in this world hasn't made some stupid mistakes?"
In an interview with the Cherokee Tribune, the sheriff accused his opponent, David Waters, of leaking the photos in an attempt to damage his character.
"I’m deeply appalled he would stoop to this level," Garrison said. "It’s clearly an act ofdesperation on his part and I believe that the voters will respond accordingly."
Jodie Fleischer, the WBS reporter that obtained the photos of Garrison, would not reveal her source, but said that the pictures did not come from Waters. According to an Associated Press report, Waters said he was shown the photos last year, but did not act on them.

Roger Garrison Kkk

Incarceration Effects Us All

Maria Lloyd, a blogger with Your Black World, is the daughter of Mario Lloyd.  In 1989, Mario was given 15 life sentences for drug distribution by a judge in Chicago.  It was his first offense and it was non-violent.  His daughter is writing an open letter to the judge describing the pain of growing up without a father, as well as the humiliation of having to tell her friends that her father was incarcerated.  Maria believes that her brother would not have died from gun violence had his father been there to guide him.
Most Americans agree that the War on Drugs was a tremendous failure, leading to Draconian sentences given to hundreds of thousands of men, mostly black.  It has torn families apart for decades, and even the Obama Administration has spoken out against it.  Given that President Obama made campaign promises to reduce sentences of those convicted of drug crimes, should he use the power of the pardon to commute sentences for those who’ve been left to die behind bars?

It took me some time to address you because I didn’t know you were the source of my anger until recently. In case you care to know who I am, I’m Maria Lloyd- the daughter of Mario Lloyd, the non-violent, first-time offender from Chicago. You sentenced him to 15 life sentences without parole on May 11, 1989. He has been incarcerated since I was the age of two. In addition to sending my father to prison, you also sentenced my grandmother, my aunt, and my uncle.  You basically incarcerated my entire family.I’m not one to make excuses for anyone’s poor decisions, including those of my own family. They broke the law, so they deserved punishment. I get it.  I also get the point you were proving in punishing them: Drug trafficking is not tolerated in the state of Illinois. It’s quite obvious you were taking a very personal stand against the War on Drugs. Well, as you can imagine, I have too, but I’m sure our views differ.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Woman Finds Herself Glued To Toilet Seat

.A woman found herself glued to the toilet seat in the women's bathroom at Walmart in Monticello, Kentucky.
Police were called to the Walmart in Wayne County after they received reports the woman was stuck.
Police said the woman went into the bathroom and that's when the story gets a little sticky. EMS had to peel the woman off and take her to the hospital.
She is going to be ok. But now, police say there's something a bit off about this crazy glue story.
"We are looking at it. Right now I wouldn't be prepared to say if it was accidental or intentional," said Chief Ralph Miniard, Monticello Police Department.
Police have not released the name of the woman

Zimmerman Reviews His Side Of What Happen

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 A newly released video shows Florida neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman at the scene of Trayvon Martin's fatal shooting a day later giving police a blow-by-blow account of his fight with the teen.
In a video posted on a website by Zimmerman's defense team, Zimmerman said Martin saw his gun and reached for it as the two scuffled on the sidewalk at a gated apartment community in Sanford. That's when Zimmerman said he pulled the gun and shot the teenager.
The tape shows two butterfly bandages on the back of Zimmerman's head and another on his nose. There are red marks on the front of his head.
On the tape, Zimmerman did a reenactment of the scuffle with Martin in the moments before he shot the 17-year-old from Miami. Zimmerman said Martin kept "slamming and slamming" his head on the sidewalk. "It felt like my head was going to explode," he said.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Woman Starved Teen Daughter To Death

A Georgia woman is charged with murder and deprivation after her teenage daughter was found dead of apparent malnourishment on Saturday.
Police arrested Ebony Berry, 38, after someone in her Cobb County home called 911 to report that a 16-year-old girl was unresponsive, CBS Atlanta reported. When officers arrived, the teen was already dead from malnourishment and neglect.
Other children living in the home were fine, police told WOOD-TV. They were placed in protective custody.
Neighbors said that the girl previously ran away only to be found at adepartment store, WSBTV reported. Her younger brother had also reportedly run away in the past. He was discovered hiding in a tree.

Juneteenth Should Not be Celebrated, When Prison Has Become The New Slavery

Few Americans know that June 19, or Juneteenth, is Independence Day for many folks of African descent.
Also known as Emancipation Day or Freedom Day, it commemorates the end of slavery, the seminal event in African-American history.
President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation took effect on Jan. 1, 1863, but the word did not spread instantly.
According to one account from published slave narratives of how the holiday began, the Emancipation Proclamation was read to slaves in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, more than two years after it officially went into effect. As word of the end of slavery spread, Juneteenth was created to commemorate that day.
Folklore tells why the news of freedom took so long to arrive.
One story is that slaves were intentionally kept ignorant about their freedom in order to allow crops to continue being harvested.
Another has one messenger traveling by mule from the date of the Emancipation Proclamation to deliver the news, and it simply took more than two years to arrive from Washington, D.C., to Texas.
Yet another story has the messenger being murdered before he could deliver the message.
Juneteenth has been a state holiday in Texas since 1980, and it is either an official holiday or an observed day in at least 17 other states -- Alaska, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma and Wyoming.
Why should anyone celebrate the holiday?
Happy Juneteenth.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Parents Bound Childern In Order To Catch Sale At Wal-Mart

A man and woman from suburban Chicago face felony child abuse and child endangerment charges after police said two of their five children were found blindfolded with their arms and legs bound in a Kansas Walmart parking lot.
The jailed couple from Northlake, Ill., appeared in court by video Thursday in Lawrence in eastern Kansas. Bonds for both were set at $50,000. They were appointed public defenders, and preliminary hearings were scheduled for June 21.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Man Set Ex-Girlfriend On Fire At 7-Eleven

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Roosevelt Mondesir
A woman was severely burned Monday after being doused in gasoline and lit on fire outside a 7-Eleven store in South Florida in a dispute with the father of her child, police said.
The 34-year-old woman was waiting in her silver Mercedes at the store shortly before 3 a.m., Boynton Beach Police spokeswoman Stephanie Slater said. She was meeting her ex to pick up her 4-year-old son for whom they share custody.
Roosevelt Mondesir, 52, arrived in his white Jaguar without the boy and began throwing gasoline on the unidentified woman's car and body, according to a police affidavit. She tried to run away, but police said the man chased her with a knife and then ignited her.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pastor Tries To Beat The Devil Out Of His Daughter

Megachurch pastor Creflo Dollar staunchly denied Sunday that he punched and choked his 15-year-old daughter in an argument, telling his congregation the allegations made in a police report are nothing but "exaggeration and sensationalism."
"I will say this emphatically: I should have never been arrested," Dollar said in his first public appearance two days after police charged him with misdemeanor counts of simple battery and cruelty to children.
The pastor got an enthusiastic ovation from the packed church as he took the pulpitSunday at the World Changers Church International in metro Atlanta. He addressed the criminal charges head-on for several minutes before moving on to his sermon.
"I want you all to hear personally from me that all is well in the Dollar household," Dollar said.
Creflo Dollar

Man Beats Son For Not Catching The Ball.

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 A California water agency director has been arrested on suspicion of felony child abuse after a neighbor shot and posted online video of him whipping his stepson with a belt after he failed to catch a baseball.
Sheriff's Lt. Scott Sheppeard tells the Imperial Valley Press 34-year-old Imperial Irrigation District Director Anthony Sanchez was arrested Friday. He's being held on $100,000 bail.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Prison Is Becoming A Way Of Life For Black Men

As Rudy Holder walked down East Harlem's main drag, everyone seemed to remember him. One man after another greeted him with a handshake or a quick, one-armed hug. Each exchange brought a nervous look to Holder's face: Friend or foe? Some of the men he recognized. Some he didn't. But they all knew him.
"Trouble," they said, again and again. It was the nickname he'd earned as a teenager.
After serving 12 years in prison, Rudy Holder had come home to East Harlem on parole, joining the 725,000 others who are released from correctional facilities each year across the country. Holder's crime was gunning down two rivals, neither fatally, in 1993. In returning to Harlem, he was hoping to avoid the cycle that engulfs so many ex-convicts and lands them back in jail time after time.
Of the 7 million Americans (1 in 33) who were incarcerated, on probation or parole in 2010, more than 4 in 10 can be expected to return to prison within three years, according to a 2011 study by the Pew Charitable Trusts' Center on the States.
"It's still weird coming back here," said Holder, now a baby-faced 37-year-old, the sun glinting off his shaved head.
A lifetime ago Holder chased little girls in braids and rough-housed with the bigger boys. He spoke with a stutter, which disappeared when he sang, as he often did, with the famed Boys Choir of Harlem. By the age of 10, he was a star drummer at the Pentecostal church where his father was a minister.
In the years to come, the life of a choir boy gave way to fistfights and, later, to gunplay. The unluckiest of his friends wound up dead. Most of the others, Holder included, would end up serving time in prison or on a loop between the city streets and the city jail.
That cycle of repeated arrests and incarcerations comes at a high price to the states, which collectively spend about $52 billion a year on corrections costs. That number has quadrupled over the last 20 years as changing law enforcement philosophies, including the so-called war on drugs, have meant more aggressive policing, criminalization and incarcerations.